Why did I do it?

I wanted to create something that would be the answer for retiring GO/FO’s and remove the guess work and frustration in starting and sustaining a consulting business.

January 5, 2023

Create Concierge on Call (COC) that is...

For me, it clicked when I was speaking with a retired GO at a conference I was supporting about six years ago. I asked how things were going and he started tell me the challenges and unexpected obstacles that he had encountered once he retired.

The conversation illustrated to me that being an expert in a field doesn't automatically translate into success as an entrepreneur or as a CEO.

I wanted to create something that would be the answer for retiring GO/FO’s and remove the guess work and frustration in starting and sustaining a consulting business.

That is my focus, providing retired GO/FO or Senior Leaders the one-on-one support and guidance to set up their business, connect with vetted experts, create a baseline fee structure and negotiation strategy, and establish the processes and procedures for their business.

We don't stop there.

COC continues to support the GO/FO by performing executive assistant functions. We take care of meeting coordination, read aheads, trip books, travel assistance, social media strategy, scheduling, and accounting functions.

If you are retiring in the next 12 months, watch my video describing my services. The link is in the comments below.

If you have already retired and would like to discuss the executive service package, send me a DM and we can set up a time to talk.

Most importantly, remember you don’t have to figure this out alone. You are finally retired, you have goals to spend more time with family, but still want to increase post military retirement revenue. That is where we come in.

You didn’t go at it alone before, contact the COC and let me help you!

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